Totally Herby

Environmental Policy

 Scottish Law
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Please also see our health and safety policy, equality and diversity policy and quality management policy.

Our Environmental Policy

As a family business Elmbronze Ltd - trading as Totally Herby of Scotland - has the luxury of having our environmental policy controlled from the top down. We build this policy into our every activity, from resourcing and manufacturing, through to distribution and supply. This policy is totally integrated with our continual improvement program, which by the nature of a family business has to incorporate lean, i.e. economical policies, and to strive for a standard way of working. This allows us to constantly review our processes, and make improvements and economies at all stages, which in turn maximises use of resources, minimises waste, and allows us to further standardise the way of working, leading to better quality of product. This is a non-stop cycle, we consider all these parts to be totally interdependent, and treat them that way.

Here are some examples of the benefits to us and our customers of having this policy. As well as buying herbs we gather our own bog myrtle, this is a wild harvest though we observe relevant legislation. By consideration of environmental surroundings, we find the crop often increases year by year reducing our time and costs while preserving that environment. During manufacture we use water, both hot and cold, and equipment. We control and minimise the use of energy during this process. To achieve the quality of our products we sometimes have waste. With our standard way of working, and constant research, we can improve our processes and minimise that waste. The high cost of fuel forces us to carefully plan our distribution to minimise travel and therefore the use of fuel. Some of our point of display material is made from recycled material, we collect and reuse it all where possible, and we minimise product packaging or make it useful or recyclable. As well as benefits to the environment this has helped us to reduce overhead costs and keep prices down over the years. This is good for our customers, and us as it makes us more competitive!

Though we are indeed a family company, we make annual efforts to observe other industries in action and learn from their policies, for instance a day visit to a major pharmaceutical company where we saw the benefits of that standard way of working. As we grow, increasingly we are creating operation manuals to preserve the expert knowledge and improve our procedures. This means awareness of our standard way of working, quality, the environment and lean policies is available for operation and education - and discussion and improvement. But we are also aware of the need for Environmental Management Systems under the ISO 14001 standard. While perhaps this is too formal right now for our family business, we will be ready when we grow enough. For our own purposes as much as for interested readers, there is a summary here.

Last updated: 28/02/2018.

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